about me

here is a short lorem of who i am


as a professional, i enjoy devoting my time to shaping the product and preparing it according to my recipes. And i have a strong interest in front-end development and entrepreneurship.

primarily experienced in front-end development but also obsessed with products spending my quality time shaping and cooking products with my recipes. for over a decade, i have studied and inscribed the sacred runes and performed the arcane rituals that breathe life into the realm of the internet.

the web can sometimes be indistinguishable from magic, but i have the knowledge and patience required to make just about anything.

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
Computer Sciene and Engineering

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University

2016 - 2020

i love contributing back to the community

Amal Jyothi College of Engineering
Students Council, VP Computer Science Association

Amal Jyothi College of Engineering

2016 - 2020

Management Team


2018 - 2018



2016 - 2021

eyes speaks more words as they have their own vocabulary
